Making Housing Affordable
24 HourEmergency Services
80+ YearsOf Business
MonthlyWelfare & Needs Visits
QualityOf Life Living Philosophy
Our Programs
Community Resources Programming
Our Community Resources Program, offered through our Affordable Housing Information and Referral Center, assists low-income persons and families in locating and qualifying for public, private sector, and subsidized housing.

Resident Programs
At People First, our greatest aspiration is to assist you, our residents, in succeeding in your goals and developing positive life outcomes. As a way of attaining this together, we are pleased to offer a variety of programs for our residents, including summer youth programs, youth development programs, senior programs, computer centers, and many more.

AmeriCorps Programming
At People First, our AmeriCorps and community service programs are dedicated to helping improve our residents’ lives. Through our AmeriCorps program, we offer community residents of limited income who live in Oneida and Herkimer Counties several important services.

Our Community Resources Program, offered through our Affordable Housing Information and Referral Center, assists low-income persons and families in locating and qualifying for public, private sector, and subsidized housing.
At People First, our greatest aspiration is to assist you, our residents, in succeeding in your goals and developing positive life outcomes. As a way of attaining this together, we are pleased to offer a variety of programs for our residents, including summer youth programs, youth development programs, senior programs, computer centers, and many more.
At People First, our AmeriCorps and community service programs are dedicated to helping improve our residents’ lives. Through our AmeriCorps program, we offer community residents of limited income who live in Oneida and Herkimer Counties several important services.
Our Priority Is The Person, Not The Key.

Our Community
People First is one of the premier housing authorities and community development agencies in New York State, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development designated our organization as a high performing housing authority. People First has demonstrated proof positive experience in affordable public housing development and management, and has been lauded by HUD and the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR). People First has administered home rehabilitation, affordable public housing modernization, HUD ARRA grants, energy improvement, housing development, youth, human and community service, job training, and educational programs.