Dan Daniels Jr. was a dedicated employee of the Utica Municipal Housing Authority for 30 years. Dan served in our Modernization Department, and was larger than life, always making sure everyone felt welcomed and part of the team. Dan was the life of the party, and embodied the mission and vision of People First (Formerly Utica Municipal Housing). Dan’s legacy continues on through The Dan Daniels Memorial Scholarship Award for graduating High School Seniors whom are currently living at one of People First's residential sites.


All scholarship application forms must be submitted by April 11th, 2025.


*Please make sure you use your current contact information so that you can be contacted by one of our site managers!


Here are the steps to complete The Dan Daniels Memorial Scholarship process:

  • Step 1 - Application: Email the following information to SPenge@PeopleFirstNy.Org no later than April 11th, 2025!
    • Name
    • Address
    • Phone Number
    • High School Name
    • Guidance Counselor Name


  • Step 2 - Essay: Please submit an essay of at least 250 words but no more than 500 words on “Describe a significant challenge you've faced. How did overcoming this challenge shape your goals for the future?” The essay must be emailed to SPenge@PeopleFirstNy.Org no later than April 11th, 2025. (Please note: If you submit your essay via Google Docs, please include a phone number whereby you may be reached in the event a password is required to open the document.) 


  • Step 3 - Community Service: Volunteer a minimum of three (3) hours at a People First sponsored event as determined by People First. Further instruction on volunteer eligible events will follow.


  • Step 4 - Graduation: Successful graduation from your high school, as verified by school administration.