People First’s policies are developed in consultation with our residents and stakeholders. They are reviewed and approved by the Board of Commissioners. Please be aware that the policies are updated periodically. Policies posted on this website may not be the most current and are subject to change.
Smoke-Free/Wellness Policy
Policy Statement
People First is committed to providing a healthy, productive and respectful environment in which to live and work. Effective July 31, 2018, smoking will be banned in all People First managed housing properties, including but not limited to all buildings, apartments, dwelling units, offices, vehicles and common areas, unless otherwise designated. This policy applies to all persons entering properties of People First, including but not limited to, residents, guests, visitors, contractors, vendors, employees, staff, and volunteers.
All provisions, terms and conditions appearing in this smoke and tobacco-free policy are incorporated and made part of the Resident Dwelling Lease and the Employee Handbook. Smoke-free Public Housing is a US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Initiative, and through Notice and Regulation, HUD has provided Public Housing Authorities the right to implement such a policy.
1.0 Unless otherwise designated, smoking is prohibited in any interior common areas, including but not limited to community rooms, community bathrooms, lobbies, hallways, laundry rooms, stairways, offices and elevator, within all living units, and within 25 feet of buildings including entryways, porches, balconies and patios. This policy applies to all residents, guests, visitors, service personnel and employees.
2.0 Definitions
2.1 “Smoke” or “smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, breathing, burning or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, other smoking device for burning tobacco, other devise designed to accomplish, enable or imitate the act of smoking, or similar lighted product in any manner or in any form, or any electronic or non-electronic device that provides a vapor of liquid nicotine and/or other substances which simulates smoking, be it e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, hookahs, and all vapor/vaping devices or any other name referred to.
2.2 “Dwelling Unit” is defined as the residence occupied by a person(s), which are the interior and exterior spaces tied to a particular unit. This includes, but is not limited to, bedrooms, hallways, kitchens, bathrooms, and other space within the unit, as well as balconies, porches and patios.
2.3 “Common Spaces” are defined as areas within the building interior that are open to the public, including but not limited to, entryways, community parks and patios, balconies, porches roof terraces, hallways, elevators, management offices, community kitchens, community rooms, community bathrooms, lobbies, reception areas, laundry rooms, storeroom, stairwells, and any other area accessible to employees, residents and guests.
Pet Policy
People First allows for pet ownership in its developments with the written pre-approval of the Housing Authority.
People First adopts the following reasonable requirements as part of the Pet Policy:
A. Residents are responsible for any damage caused by their pets, including the cost of fumigating or cleaning their units.
B. In exchange for this right, resident assumes full responsibility and liability for the pet and agrees to hold the Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Utica harmless from any claims caused by an action or inaction of the pet.
C. Residents must have the prior written approval of the Housing Authority before moving a pet into their unit.
D. Residents must request approval on the Authorization for Pet Ownership Form that must be fully completed before the Housing Authority will approve the request.
E. Residents must give the Housing Authority a picture of the pet so it can be identified if it is running loose.
F. A pet deposit is required at the time of registering a pet.
G. The Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Utica will allow only common household pets.
H. Any animal deemed to be potentially harmful to the health or safety of others, including attack or fight-trained dogs, will not be allowed (Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Chows)
I. Residents may own one cat or one dog per dwelling unit, except that PIT BULLS. ROTTWEILERS, AND OTHER DANGEROUS ANIMALS ARE NOT ALLOWED.
J. No animal may exceed forty (40) pounds in weight projected to full adult size.
K. Dogs and cats must be kept on a leash accompanied by the owner at all times when outside the unit. Pets are not to be left outside by themselves.
L. Pets shall not be permitted in any common areas within the buildings except when directly leaving and entering the building.
M. In order to be registered, pets must be appropriately inoculated against rabies, distemper and other conditions prescribed by state and/or local ordinances. They must comply with all other state and local public health, animal control, and anti-cruelty laws including any licensing requirements. A certification signed by a licensed veterinarian or state or local official shall be annually filed with the Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Utica to attest to the inoculations.
N. The Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Utica, or an appropriate community authority, shall require the removal of any pet from a project if the pet's conduct or condition is determined to be a nuisance or threat to the health or safety of other occupants of the project or of other persons in the community where the project is located.
O. This pet policy does not apply to animals that are used to assist persons with disabilities. Assistive animals are allowed in all public housing facilities with no restrictions other than those imposed on all residents to maintain their units and associated facilities in a decent, safe, and sanitary manner and to refrain from disturbing their neighbors.