- About
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- History
People First, formerly the Utica Municipal Housing Authority, is the premier affordable housing agency in New York State and has been for many decades. Based in Utica, NY, People First offers a variety of affordable housing units, including apartments for rent and houses for rent.
People First is a housing authority created pursuant to New York State Public Housing Law and the United States Housing Act of 1937. We are a public corporation affiliated with the City of Utica, and we receive direct funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to operate low-income housing, as well as Housing Choice Voucher Programs.

Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Utica, NY Established
MHA was established by the NYS Housing Act, becoming one of the first five housing authorities in the Nation.

Adrean Terrace
Construction of our first family housing complex was completed. It was comprised of 199 units located in a prime East Utica neighborhood.

N.D. Peters Manor
Construction of a second family housing complex is complete. This development had 92 units and was built directly next door to Adrean Terrace.

Humphrey Garden
At the same time as N.D. Peters Manor's construction, Humphrey Garden was built in a prime North Utica neighborhood, consisting of 108 family units.

Gillmore Village
Construction is completed in the South Side of Utica on a complex consisting of 190 family units.

Washington Courts
Washington Courts are built.

F.X. Matt Apartments
This family development is completed on the east end of Adrean Terrace and consists of 67 units. This is now the third family housing complex located in one area in East Utica.

Goldbas Homes Apartments
Goldbas Apartments are complete.

Perretta Twin Towers
Construction of our first senior housing site took place right in the heart of downtown Utica. It consists of two twin towers, 54 units each, and is the current home of the Central Offices for People First.

Chancellor Apartments
Another senior housing complex was built in the heart of downtown Utica, right across the street from Chancellor Park. This complex was built as a state funded senior housing complex.

Marino-Ruggiero Apartments
A third senior housing complex is built in downtown Utica. This is the smallest of our three senior sites with 50 units.

Duplex Homes
​With this construction we ventured out of the typical housing developments where all the units are located on site. With the duplexes, we built five (2 unit) duplex homes scattered throughout the center of Utica. These duplex were designed to blend in with the surrounding community.

Hope VI is Established
This is a Not-for-Profit 501c3 that MHA established for the development of replacement units and new housing opportunities for home ownership and renovated housing in Utica's most distressed Cornhill neighborhood.

Kembleton Project
First phase of the HOPE VI Project was completed with 27 non-public housing units

Steuben Village Project
Second phase of HOPE VI Project completed with 49 residential rental housing units.

Goldbas Homes Demolished
The Goldbas Homes are demolished.

Sale on Replacement Housing Factor Single Family Homes
People First completed the construction and sale of 11 Replacement Housing Factor Single-Family Homes.

Washington Courts Demolished
The Washington Courts units are demolished.

Hamilton Street
This was a housing unit that already existed that we took over and renovated. It consists of 9 studio units. It was originally the West Utica Boys Club.

Rutger Manor Project
Third phase of HOPE VI Project completed with 33 residential rental housing units.

Energy Performance Contract #1
Energy Performance Contract #1.

Our award winning AmeriCorps Program is initiated.

Energy Performance Contract #2
Energy Performance Contract #2.

Oneida Homes
The fourth phase of the HOPE VI Project was completed with 40 single-family homeownership units constructed in the HOPE VI development area.

Hope VI Complete
The Hope VI Revitalization Grant was completed, which resulted in the creation of 109 affordable housing rental units and 51 homeownership units.

Education Center
An Education Center is built in conjunction with Mohawk Valley Community College to offer local resident training in home renovation, construction skills & lead safe practices.

Rehabilitation of Elderly and Disabled Units
Rehabilitation is complete on 48 owner occupied units for the elderly and disabled in the HOPE VI target, with funding from Oneida County, the State of NY Empire State Dev, City of Utica HOME program, Weatherization Assistance and in kind funds and NYSDHCR HOME Program.

Humphrey Garden Additions
12 new affordable housing units are built at Humphrey Gardens.

New Approach to Housing
A new philosophy and a new approach to housing: No longer just a key. People come first.

F.X. Matt Renovations
The vacant "F" building in F.X. Matt Apartments is renovated into five one bedroom accessible units of affordable housing for the disabled.

Homeownership Units
Construction is complete on seven homeownership units on the former Lincoln School site in West Utica.

Roosevelt Residence Development
Construction begins on the Roosevelt Residence development.

Rental Assistant Demonstration (RAD)
RAD process begins.

Today at People First
Today, People First offers 12 different affordable housing properties and opportunities, including Section 8 properties, apartments for rent, houses for rent, low-income family housing units, disabled and senior housing, and student housing.